Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Regrets? Nope, Ain’t Got None!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 5, 2013 by SpencerBlack

Or so I always said. And until just a few hours ago (while I was bored at work) I had a revelation. And sadly, I can honestly say that NOW, if anyone were to ask me if I had any regrets in my life, I could say that yes, I had one regret and would do anything to change it.

I’ve always been a biology geek. I’m fascinated with how our bodies work and why they do. Why ANYTHING works, not just humans. But The biggest thing that intrigues me is not JUST life in general. I love cells. Learning about their parts and what each organelle does and how is so amazing! Mitochondria especially. One of the reasons I like to contemplate cancer, because it’s basically a cell that goes bad and starts replicating like crazy.

But anyway, I think it was my senior year, and I opted to take a college biology honors class with my favorite science teacher of all time. She is a brilliant woman who makes an amazing teacher! Always there to help when needed, but doesn’t just hand things out, she encourages you to figure things out on your own, as you should in school. In fact, I’ve always hated the phrase ‘we’re just preparing you for the real world’ in school, but if any teacher really encouraged this phrase, it was this particular science teacher (even though I don’t believe she ever used it). I’ll always look up to and admire her!

ANYWAY (I’m horrible at this not getting distracted thing if you can’t tell), in this course, we had to design, preform, and show the results of an experiment of our choice. I slacked off, let it go, and pawned off a very (in my opinion) stupid project that got me a mediocre grade at best probably. (It’s been three years, I can’t remember what I got exactly on it…but I can’t image the grade was too high!) I remember that project with chills…for it was HORRIBLE! And tonight at work, I wish I would have had the nerve to approach this awesome teacher and get the guidance from her that I know she would have offered.

See, I would love to grow a cell culture. But I’ve heard they were expensive. And if I remember correctly, this teacher had been previously employed at a job where she grew cancer cell cultures (I’m pretty sure thats what i was told) so if anyone could have helped me out, it woulda been her. Now, sadly to say, even though I knew her work history, I respected her, and I knew of my own fascination with cells, I couldn’t come up with a good idea for a experiment for growing cells, and so I let the opportunity pass.

Do I think I could have done a cell culture? If it’s truly expensive, then no. But if only I would have approached the teacher and asked, then I wouldn’t be sitting here speculating. I’d know. And on top of that, maybe this teacher could have offered up a comparable experiment/suggestion. But I let the opportunity pass, And for almost three years now, I’ve always thought of my crappy experiment and how I wish I would have done better one that ONE thing.

I know, it’s kinda sad cuz its not like, some life changing event or anything major, but the big things in life I wouldn’t change for anything. I believe a lot of things happen for a reason and so I like to take them as they’re given, but this is one thing I chose to do half-heartedly, and now I wish I could change it. Maybe someday I’ll get a second chance, for now, I’ll have to be content with venting.

NOOOW that that’s over with, RuPaul this week…WOW. Untucked was so emotional! Couldn’t help but cry! Alyssa is so lucky her father had a change of heart and declared that he was wrong and wanted a better relationship with him. That was so touching! The world is becoming a more open minded place, and that is beautiful!

No more reviews really. Vikings on the History channel started, I haven’t watched it yet though. Perhaps next week I’ll review it and give a shout out to Game Of Thrones (Season 3 at the end of the month *squeel*!), all tv episode! Woot woot!

Until next time my bacony friends!
Never let the small things pass you by! They may seem like little cracks int he road, but you never know when one of those cracks will inspire you!

Question of the Edition: You’re driving. It’s dark out. A car going almost as fast as you are (cuz let’s face it, at three in the morning your doing twice the speed limit) flies past you. You go up over a hill and your lights fall upon a shadowy figure that you can immediately tell is a man. He’s by the side of the road, kneeling, attempting to rise to his feet. What do you do?

Answer AND reason behind this question next week!

‘RuCap’ and Review? I think So

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on February 26, 2013 by SpencerBlack

Sooo, it’s time for a new edition of Schizo News! Brought to you in part by my wacky, possibly crazy, mind! Stay tuned for a message from our sponsors!


No? Nothing? No sponsors today? Ok, well, let’s jump right into things then!

RuPauls Drag Race season 5 is in top gear and moving along with the ever anticipated Snatch Game! Always a fan-favorite episode…I gotta say…wasn’t all that special for me. Now, I’ve been a fan of Jinkx from the start, but I gotta say, she stole the show. I didn’t really know who her character, and Roxxxy Andrews characters were at all, BUUUUT after the Snatch Game, I feel like Jinkx just simply fell into the part and became someone else, while Roxxxy was simply playing at being someone else. And Jinkx was also able to be the awkward-moment-release device, which is always a necessary to have.

One question though…. Detox didn’t ACTUALLY piss on the stage did he? I mean….that was just water or something. Right?

And leave Jinkx the hell alone! Yes, he is A LOT like Pandora Boxx (who I also ADORE!) but I really htink the judges need to widen their horizons just a TAD more. Yes, obviously we ALL have different opinions on what is glamorous, but its all subjective. Its like art (possibly because it IS art), one person can see a beaituful picture and another can just see fire kindling. I would LOVE to see Jinkx completely dolled up and just supermodel stomp the SHIT outa the runway, I think she’d be stunning and fierce, but if that look was her galm, then be happy. She rocked the look, and I’m glad Michelle said that she looked great…sadly not to Jinkx’s face though. I just hope ma gurl sticks it out and uses that annoyance and turns it OUT! I know Jinkx is fierce, let’s be honest, so do you. Rock it gurl! …Is it next monday yet???

On untucked the ever raging battle reared its ugly head among Alyssa and Coco, and Jade joined in this time! I know it adds drama…but really?!? We can’t just let it go? Either get it all out in the open and air it out and put it away, or hide it in the closet, avoid each other, and move on, but don’t keep waving your dirty undies in our faces…getting a tad annoying. And Jade….no. She’s cute…sure…buuutttt, not a favorite of mine, sorry.

All in all, Detox SERVED the lip sync and sent Lynesha packing. Don’t get me wrong, i LOVE puerto Ricans, Nina was by far one of like, top 3 fav racers of ALL times, BUT so over the ‘well, english is my second language so I don’t understand well’. How bout next season, we get queens who can comprehend! They know what they’re getting into for the most part now…if you didn’t comprehend it while watching, you’re not going to get it in person. (No, i’m not one of those ‘you’re in america, learn english’ kinda of people, I actually support americans learning other languages more than forcing others to learn english…WE HAVE NO SET LANGUAGE IN AMERICA IGNORANT ASSES!) I’m just saying, if you don’t know how to read, get the hell outa the library. La Biblioteca is closed…ohhkay?

Review time! Yaaaay!

So, it’s been a couple weeks since I checked it out, but 5/5 for Pitch Perfect!!! Amazing movie, powerful statements! The music is well done and even though the plot is kinda unoriginal, i mean, I’m pretty sure Bring it On has about the same line, P.P. is refreshing and gave me new hope for movies again, They can still be produced! Yessss!!!! And even the geek gets his time to shine as kinda a side bar. What more could one want? And yes…i listen to the sound track. A lot. Aca-awesome! ‘I’m gonna finish this like a cheesecake!’ Fat Amy (Fat Patricia) totally was amazing though!

Finished reading Parasite Eve earlier. Pretty damn sick, gonna have to check the movie out! And poses a very real question. Could a symbiotic relationship between parasite and host be one day thrown off where parasite becomes the dominant one in the relationship? Could our own cells actually rise up against us in rebellion? Deep and thoughtful…but not the question for the day yet! I’m not QUITE there and haven’t even thought about what that question is gonna be….stop pressuring me! GIVE ME TIME! God dammit *in Willams voice* haha


Well, that’s about it for now peeps…its 5 o’clock somewhere…but not here damn it! Its only about 1…and I’m feeling a bit of a nap so I’m not so damned tired for work. So here’s the q:

For those who watch RuPaul, who’s your fav queen so far and why? Are you pro- or anti- camp? And isn’t it about damn time we have a queen OTHER than the typical ‘i’m so beautiful’ model? Sharon was a GREAT start (I was Team Needles and Willam, top two from day 1), but we need to keep the trend going. Its those who step outside of the everyday social ‘norms’ that help move our society forward, not the typical showgirls. Party City, oh YAY! Anyway, Last q, what team are you on for this season? Any predictions?


Damn that’s a lot of q’s! Answer all, answer some, as long as you answer me baby!

Good Morning Starshine!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , on February 24, 2013 by SpencerBlack

The Earth says hello!!!!

It’s about time i get my arse in gear and start writing again, after all, “inquiring minds want to know!” Said Reeta Skeeter always. Mind if I use a quick Quill?

Siri. All I can say is that she’s a lowsy friend. All she ever wants to do is ‘search the web for that’. It’s annoying. ‘Siri, do you have a memory?’ ‘I dont understand. Would you like me to search the web for that?’ Now come on, its a yes or no question, instead she feels like she needs to get on the net just to answer me. I suppose I got my wish, I said i just wanted to tell siri to ‘google that shit’….and now thats ALL she wants to do. I bet she’s doing it on purpose to spite me. -_-

I don’t really have much more to talk about, so I’m just gonna go into some reviews cuz I’m awesome like that.

First up is Cloud Atlas. Loved the movie, saved to my desktop. The book wasn’t TOO bad, but I honestly didnt care much for it. I think that this is the first time where i can say I’d honestly prefer the movie over the book. Its general theme is about how one’s actions in their lives can ripple across time and influence others. A smaller topic is that of reincarnation. Simply, its a beautifully done movie that really captures the two themes stunningly. And of course, makes me bawl like a baby at the end, just as any movie that has anything good in it will do.

For my book reviews, I have like, 3. But i’m combining two.

The first two are the first two books in Darren Shan’s new Zom-B series. The first is entitled, appropriately, ‘Zom-B’ and its sequel is ‘Zom-B Underground’. The first two books are clever and intruging, and as always, makes me squirm while I’m reading…yet Darren is such a captivating writer that I can’t stop reading…even as the creepy ass clown, Mr. Dowling, smile’s spiders out of his mouth…I would have died!!!!  I couldn’t stop itching after reading how the spiders crawled all over B. Ugh! Probably my favorite ‘recreation’ of zombies in Zom-B would be how their bones extend out of their fingers and toes. Not sure why, I just find it extremely fascinating. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Shan a few months ago now in New York City where he treated our small group to a reading from both Zom-B and Zom-B Underground….I read each book in a day, as I always devour Darrens books, and as I read the parts that he had chosen to read to us, I could just hear his voice echoing in my head…gave me the chills. Awesome!!!! 5/5 ‘Yummy Mummy’!

And the other review would be for ‘Parasite Eve’ which I’m currently reading. Not quite finished with it yet, but it’s extremely interesting! It deals with the evolution of humans and mitochondrial DNA, which I’ve always been fascinated by ever since learning about it in Biology. I have about 100 pages left to read and will hopefully finish by the weekend. So far though, I’d def recommend it for a bit of a scify read.

To conclude, I really DO plan on keeping up with this as i should. Its only the proper thing to do! And as a little bit of an added bonus, Imma talk just a smidge about my current writing project.

Set in a new, primitive desert world, the sun suddenly goes out, leaving all the inhabitants to speculate that something has happened to the sun god, Rasyn. A small group sets out in search of why indeed the sun has disappeared, and along the way encounters many obstacles (duh, without the obstacles, it wouldnt make for a very good read now would it?). But as the days pass, it seems as if the world itself is turning on our group as the weather starts to turn frigid and the clouds begin to fall from the sky. Will our heros discover where the sun has gone before it’s too late?

(I know, its a pretty generic summary, nothing too new or different in there, but in all fairness, i said a smidge. Not that i was gonna reveal all my secrets! Like a prostitute, a magician never reveals all their tricks!)

Wishing all the best and no burnt toast (unless you like your toast burn, then burn baby, burn!)

The Future Freaks me Out…

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on August 23, 2011 by SpencerBlack

So, while at work today, I was thinking about Humans, our differences, and a possible future of the Human race.

The first possible future that came to mind was the one where interbreeding between ‘races’ creates one race. A tan skinned race, the entire world speaking one language, and, most likely having one solitary belief.

And then I thought about how boring that would be. Yes, ‘World Peace’ may be finally achieved if there was only one race, one language, one religion, however, that completely wipes out diversity. Anyone who would go about creating this world, creating world peace by marrying everything into one melting pot, should be public enemy number one.

The people who, I feel, would want this, are those who say “those mexicans need to learn god-damned english” And those people are just as bad as the pageant queens wishing for world peace. I’m all for cultures mixing and people coming closer to one another, but Tolerance is a word that needs to be more freely acted upon for the people to become one. Until we can stop blaming ‘those terrorist muslims’ and the ‘border jumpers’, and accept them, to stop acting as if one group of people is better than another, the world will remain in term-oil.

But this isn’t a lesson on peace, so I’m going to move off of that subject. This is a lesson on culture. With only one solitary group of people, there would be no mixture. I, for one, feel that everyone should have their own beliefs, their own morals that they practice, seperate from everyone else. And I thoroughly believe that the world is already close to that, even among the ‘christians’, there are so many branches and even among families, there are seperate beliefs and practices. This is the first step to individuality.

My thoughts are everywhere on this subject, and I don’t feel that I’m articulating this blog very well…so I’m just gonna stop and leave you with these thoughts to think about. Leave any comments or thoughts that you wish.

~Smelling the warm Bacon Frying up


Posted in Uncategorized on June 12, 2011 by SpencerBlack

The last time i saw my grandmother was one week ago. She was in the hospital. I heard her talk about her goals she had accomplished since having her leg amputated and her next goal of dancing. We also set plans to go out to eat when she got out. And when i left she asked me to call her when i got home so she knew i had gotten home safe.

Only three days later, i believe, she had a heart attack and died in the hospital. Its so hard to grasp. Even after today, her viewing, and i saw her lying peacefully….my mind still doesnt want to believe it.

Everyone says remember the good times. But the problem is that its too hard to think that there will no longer be any more good times. I hate to think about the fact that there will not be any more stories to tell. I hate to think that my children will never know one of their great grandparents.

Its crazy to think about how often death hits people around the world. People through time. To think that at one point, my grandmother herself had grandparents who died and when they were kids, had grandparents who died as well. Its a crazy cycle.

I almost hate to think about her goals she had talked about now….because its hard to think that she’ll never be able to accomplish her last goal. I hate to think about the fact that we’ll never go out to eat like we had planned. I had planned on asking her to go out the following week, the week she went into the hospital.

And its so hard to think about the fact that i didnt call her when i got home. Its not that i forgot. I had planned to say i did if i was asked about it. And its true i hate talking on the phone…but thats no excuse. I should have sucked it up and called her. It would have cheered her up some to have gotten that call.

And at the viewing, i didnt want to leave. I would have rather just stayed with her there. Hours, days, weeks. I dont care. It’s too hard to let the things go that are precious to you.

The past three days, i keep repeating to myself inside my head, “Mother Isis, watch over her.” I imagine the wings of Isis wrapping around my grandmother, taking away her pain, restoring her leg, anything. And as i laid here in bed, before i started to write this, as i cried thinking about the no more’s, i thought about the Ancient Egyptian belief of the weighing of the heart. I took solace knowing that by now, Anubis has weighed her heart against the Feather of Ma’at and i was comforted by the thought that she is now beyond worldly care, and leaving peacefully among the other transitioning spirits. Living in palaces, balls and galas all night.

Some people believe that the spirits of the dead remain on earth, weather all of them or simply those with ‘unfinished business’. And i think the hardest part for me the past few days is thinking that she’s out visiting her family and loved ones. The thought of where exactly she would go once she died. What exactly, was the after life? But after thos blog, after thinking, i dont feel that she’s on this earth anymore. I think she is at peace for now until the next life…and i’m comforted by that.

I’m comforted in knowing that Isis has taken care of someone so dear to me, and that Anubis has seen her off to paradise.

I also just remembered….i dont recall when it was, where it was, or even what state it was in or what it was for…but at one point me and her had went to a carnival together. I’ve never rode a rollercoaster or been on a ferris wheel even…and she wanted to get on a ferris wheel. I didnt want to but i told her i would…we didn’t go on it…but thinking back, i should have shut my mouth and did it for her. I say that there is nothing i regret in life. I wouldnt take back throwing the cheese which ultimately led to my front tooth being knocked out, i wouldnt change any of the friends ive made or lost….but i really do wish that i could go back and just get on that damn ferris wheel.

Anyway, thats enough of my ranting and raving, i feel much better now…even if no one reads this. I may not believe that i can pray to my grandmother anymore, for she’s beyond us now, but i do believe in praying to the Mother Isis.

~Spend you time around the Most Amazing People You Know, it Will Count someday

Info Leak…

Posted in Uncategorized on June 8, 2011 by SpencerBlack

I’ve decided to let some info leak on my current project. So, here it is:


The Creation and the First Life


The beginning of Irzonderoth starts with the Creator, Altieri, giving birth to the world by regurgitating a planet he had previously swallowed. Once the world was settled in its spot in space, Altieri used his powers and caused the world to shake with tremors, volcanos to erupt violently, and storms to rage with fury. The result of the Time of Chaos was the formation of the Main continent and the surrounding isles.

When the planet settled, Altieri decided to create life for the planet. First he breathed life into the planet, giving birth to the plants that sprung up over the face of the world. Next, he removed the Crown from his head and placed it among the newly formed foliage, and cast a spell upon the golden serpent, so that it would crawl over the continents, and where it crawled, animals sprung from the dirt in its wake.

And lastly, Altieri created intelligent life. One one of the island continents, a large pool of water laid as an oasis. Altieri cast another spell upon the pool of water and lifted its mass into the air so that it may wash down over his body. The water flooded down over his form and back into its shell in the earth, but as the last three drops of water, one from the tip of his tail, one from the tip of a finger, and one from the tip of his wing, dropped back into the pool, the water turned a neon purple color and its surface began to ripple with excitement.

One being splashed from the pool and flew into the air, white feathery wings spread wide. Another formed from the mist that was raising from the surface of the water, it’s skinned shimmered with scales and eyes a vibrant yellow. The last form broke the surface of the water with a gasp, whipping long dark hair into the air, it’s legs remaining in the pool. And thus was the accidental creation of Altieri’s children, the Angels, the Djinn, and the Humans.


Feedback is always welcome. What do you think???

Indecisive…What’s New?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on April 6, 2011 by SpencerBlack

I know this isn’t my Vampire Politics blog, but too bad. I want to share my thoughts about it on here. So ha.

I was originally planning on starting the entire Vampire Politics thing with James and the last few vampires remaining in a not too far distant world. But the showcases I’ve been writing have been altering my plans. And so the thought has appealed to me of simply starting from the begining. Start with the story of the original vampire and his children, to the growth of the vampire family and their culture. Even to the spread of the vampire across the world and them coming to the modern age.

Don’t get me wrong, I still have every plan to tell James’s story and the others tale of being the last vampires, and i still plan to have the world basically destroyed. I just don’t feel its right for me to start at the end of the middle (yes i do have plans that take place even further in earths future. Exciting, i know!) And even though I’ve been working feverently on James and friends, Im now strongly debating doing what Julie Andrews said, “Lets start at the very begining, a very good place to start!”

So…now i’m torn as to wear to start. Ba-humbug!

Question: Have you ever done something that you just KNEW wasn’t right? Not something necessarily bad, not the feeling of doing wrong, just, you make a wrong turn and instantly knew it wasn’t right, or sitting in a chair and knowing it wasn’t the RIGHT chair, or even writing a sentence and knowing that it wasn’t the best sentence you could have picked. ANYTHING! Feel free to share!

~Thinking outside of the Box is a gift everyone is given, unfortunately, few ever dare to open it.


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , on April 3, 2011 by SpencerBlack

30 views today!!!! What more could I ask for! I jump from small numbers to double digits! I’ll take it!!!! I hope it’s cuz I’m just that popular!!!!

And not to toot my own horn or nothing, but I want this blog to really show that I’m not a lazy good-for-nothing kid.

How do I plan to do that, you may ask,’s how. I work two jobs, five days a week, and do my job extremely well. How do i know this? Because of the praises I get and the disappointment when i change positions as i have done once and will do again soon. Ontop of that, I have my facebook, this blog, my twitter account (i’m SchizoSmiley on there if you wanna follow me!), a writerface (basically facebook for writers), a deviantart account, and also my writing.

Only recently have i picked up the twitter (again), the writerface, and the deviantart account. Why? Because i’m networking people! That’s ho wi went from 2 to 30 views!!! You have to promote yourself. I am determined to become the celebrity that i was voted to become from the class of 2012, and I will stop at nothing to prove them right! My goal, to blog, and write, and promote as much as possible.

And when i get the money for it, as in my last Blog, i’d love to start my own publishing/printing company and eventually start giving back to the community in some way, shape, or form.

So there, it may just look like im always working, or that all i do is sit infront of my computer and accomplish nothing.

CRAP! I forgot to add that i also visit family EVERY week. So, theres time away from the computer…ha…ha.

Back to my original thought however, but obviously, im not always at work or i would never have time to update my blogs. And im not always sitting in front of my computer or I wouldn’t have time to work the almost 40 hours i work everyweek.

They say that writing isnt what people think it is. That you usually have to keep an actual job and writing on the side. That’s fine with me. Why? I’m not writing to be a best seller. Would it be nice? Heck yes!!!! But i’m simply writing for me, for my own entertainment, and for my own stress-relief. It is not to be famous for my writing. And i really dont want to be famous for giving back if my ‘business’ ever gets to that point. Id rather simply be known as the publisher who cares about the little guys who can write terrifically, but may not have the money to get anything published at that point in time.

I’m determined. As lazy as i seem. I’m a hard worker, and I’m determined. And that’s all that matters. I think that people need to set a goal for themselves. Everyday, everyone. Set an ultimate goal and work towards it little by little. There will be set backs, and thats fine. And huge obstacles, dont forget them. But its those kind of things that makes our rewards seem so much better in the end.

Question for the public: What are some of the goals you have set for yourself in the past, or some of the goals you are currently working towards?

Updating my Virtual Connections to the World one site at a time


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on March 31, 2011 by SpencerBlack

Seriously? I bought some REAL Kelloggs Pop Tarts today, the cinnamon sugar ones cuz they’re the only good ones, and it ticks me off! Ya wanna know why?? Because i opened the first pack, and the poptarts barely had any of the glazing like crap on it. I could see like, a clear inch of plain poptart around the entire thing? IS THERE NOTHING THAT IS HOLY AND UNTOUCHABLE BY THE ECONMY ANYMORE?

My first act as president in 2028, bail out the amazing Poptarts so that they have enough icing on them. When the american citizens open their poptarts, they dont want to see the crust. NO, they want the sugary good stuff! Smiley 2028!!!!!! The world will never be the same again!

Ok….umm…let’s talk about name calling today.

I feel, that it is one thing to call someone a name. I mean, im not saying name calling is good, and its something we should do away with. But i dont think that will ever, realistically happen. (I mean, i think it has just as good of a chance as this ‘world peace’ ms. america ALWAYS talks about…oh, and ending world hunger. How do you plan to do that you anorexic stick, by making all the girls stop eating so we can feed all of africa??) Anyway, its one thing to call someone a name, but to call someone a name, when that name, in fact, is better sutied for you, yourself, then i dont think you should really be opening your mouth.

I mean, glass houses and stones and all. Stupid. But then again, they say it ‘takes one to know one’. But still, do you really have the right to point it out to someone else if your guilty of it youself?

And the better thing is when someone has the nerve to call you names…behind your back. Say it to my face wimp! Have you seen me?? I dont have that much muscle…what are you scared of if you cant say it to my face? That I’ll yell at you? I dont know…maybe you deserve it if you wanna call me names! lol.

Sorry, i just really had to vent due to stupid people. I felt it very important.

Question: How do you feel about name calling? Is it inconsequential? Never ending? Two-faced?

~Secretly enjoying my twinkies in the closet…since i’m a closet fat kid ‘n all…

P.S. I still love you, my Little Debbie, unfortunately, I could not afford you today. You were not on sale. That is not my fault. I had to go with the twinkies…they made me do it!!!!

I s’pose…

Posted in Uncategorized on March 29, 2011 by SpencerBlack

…it’s an old thought…but it is one that I love dearly…and now that I should (hopefully) be soon making more money…Maybe I can start to put this plan into motion?

I want to open my own publishing/printing company, based on the idea of helping aspiring writers in the community. I want to get a large, printer, one that is best for printing large amounts of paper and also double sided printing, so that i can print the pages for each book. And i know they make machines you can buy out there that binds books for you…so i’d need one of those too. And then Id have to purchase ISBN numbers, which you can get them online easily. I just need the writers who are serious about writing and getting things published. And making money off of it.

The best part of my idea is the way it works. Because, i have to already have the materials to be able to do all this, i dont really have to charge the writers immediately for printing and publishing. I would be able to print everything and publish the books, sell them probably online, and through a catalogue or something?, and then simply work something out with the author on paying through their earnings. Since, as far as i’m concerned, it seems like money is one of the bigger issues when publishing a book.

Another perk is that you, the writer would have to push your own book. If you wanna make money, you have to get out there and sell your own book. AND, due to me self printing and publishing, my books would be cheaper (in theory) than what most books are currently even selling for! So hopefully, you push someone to go check out your book on the site, and when they see how cheap a book is…maybe they’ll browse around and buy other books! (thats the thought, maybe not).

Maybe it’s a cheesy idea. But i dont really care. If it fails, then i still have what i need to make my own books, which, as far as i’m concerned, is still a cool plus. If takes off and does good, meaning i start actually making a little money off of it. I’d like to find a good way to give back to the community in some way. I mean, id keep the cost of supplies so that i dont run myself down, but if this works well enough, maybe i can set up a project with a school or something to help get kids interested in writing and published, and through profits then find a way to give back to schools…Again, could be cheesy, but deep down, im a caring individual that really does want to make an impression on the world in some way.

Other than what it takes, ive been thinking of the company itself. They say that a company needs it own set of ‘morals’, standards, base lines. Some words that I love for the company include: Eminence, Envision, Mystify/Bemuse, Diversification, and my own word, Perplexiversity. I prob wont use my own word, but Im trying to think of a cool way to link these words together, in meaning, in thought, in language. I want my products to be great quality, but even more, its about helping and the community.

I don’t know. First, debts need to be paid off. Then i need to research the equipment and supplies i’ll need. Then, I’ll need a few writers to help get me started, some who really want to be a real part of the company, who want to be the face of the company and help give it its legs.

If i keep working hard, keep my goals set, and eyes focused on the light ahead of me, i think this is a realistic goal to set. Yes, i’ll be out money first, but i think if i choose my authors wisely, keep my true intentions of helping in my head, and keep my own writing going (because I’d like Vampire Politics to be a part of the first group of books to be released), then i feel very strongly about this plan.

Anyway, i’m done for my thoughts of the night. I’m happy with it. I’m happy to have a real goal that means something.

~I want to start a Revolution!
SchizoSmiley(‘s Book Revolution!)